Music: Oiaymeló by Margarita Cuero. Interpreted by the amazing cantaora Benigna Solís. I am fluid
and in constant process of becoming. I am daughter, sister, lover, woman, friend. I am Sandra Paola — “la pequeña protectora de la humanidad,” and I am the daughter of wolves (López) and guardians (Ramírez). I am fluid and in constant process of becoming. Nací en las montañas de Abya Yala, y por seis generaciones mi familia ha vivido on stolen land: en la cordillera oriental en el territorio Muisca de Bacatá, en el litoral pacífico en territorio Awá y Tumaco, y en el valle alto del Magdalena en territorio Pijao. Some of my ancestors were born of the earth in Abya Yala. They weaved with her roots, Sang with her waters, Moved with her breeze. Some others, traidos forzosamente del gran continente Africano, with shackled hands and feet were pulled from their own Mother, displaced, brutalized, raped. Survivors of unimaginable journeys. Most of them, los Europeos, who roamed primarily the territories of Spain, Ireland, Scotland, and France came en busca de oro y plata. In search of a better life. So here I am, born of contradictions, violence, rape, hopes, dreams. I am fluid and in constant process of becoming. My mixed heritage gave me the opportunity to migrate North to Turtle Island, to the neocolonial and imperialist country of United States of America. Fast forward 15 years y ahora me desenvuelvo en una realidad bilingüe. I dream, speak, move, write, and create in two lenguas. This new hybrid, this “border tongue” of Anzaldúa ahora me acobija en la frontera de U.S. y México. Es ahora aquí donde trenzo sueños, where I start my journey to wholeness, and where I begin to trace back to create my future.
Ursula Carrascal
Dance connects me to the earth — La danza me conecta con la tierra
Fabiola Torralba
The impact of colonialism in the body — El impacto del colonialismo en el cuerpo
Jenny Granado a.k.a. Maldita Geni Thalia
Post-pornography as emancipatory — La post-pornografía como actividad emancipadora
Para más informaciónUrsula Carrascal: Fabiola Torralba: Jenny Granado: Jessica Carmona: Mariamalia Delgado Cob: Suzy McCalley: Suzy Mac - Into the Flame - Spotify link Natalie Romero Marx:
Si están interesados en buscar y leer el artículo completo de Lozano Lerma, acá está la cita:
Lozano Lerma, Betty Ruth. “Mujeres negras (sirvientas, putas, matronas): una aproximación a la mujer negra de Colombia.” Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, vol. Temas De Nuestra América: Vol 26, no. 49, May 2010, pp. 135–58. beat.
colonizer and colonized: a dance
and a poem